Academic Program

We believe that data should not be compartmentalized and siloed away but rather, that it should be shared to conduct research and innovation. This applies to educational institutions as well.

The Countly Academic Program (CAP) provides institutions the right to use Countly Enterprise for academic and instructional purposes. The program provides simple, fixed, non-volume based pricing that fits the diverse needs of the global higher education community.

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Who can apply?

In order to be eligible for this program, your institution should grant a degree, offering 2-6 year programs or equivalent. Technical schools offering distance education are also eligible.

How does Countly help?

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Discounted server packages

Countly Enterprise server packages to be installed under the institution’s supervision.
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Open-source code

Full SDK source code, enabling students to examine and make modifications as required.
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Documentation and updates

Unrestricted access to our Knowledge Base, product documentation, and updates.

Program Guidelines

Countly grants CAP participants a site license providing that:

Countly is used solely for instructional and not-for-profit research purposes, and not used in a commercial environment.
If multiple groups share the same license, then all groups involved in this program should meet the not-for-profit and non-commercial criteria.
Hardware (or VMs) on which Countly Enterprise Edition is installed must be under the complete supervision of the IT department of the licensing academic institution.
Countly works directly with an administrator (i.e., a member of the institution’s staff and not a student or teaching assistant) from the participating institution.
Licenses obtained through this program may not be used outside the institution.
A corresponding EULA is signed between Countly and the participating academic institution.
Georgia Tech University logo
"Countly has proven to be an ideal analytics solution for our research, which usually centers around how people interact with technology. Countly has been uniquely able to check all the boxes for us, allowing us to focus on developing research apps rather than analytics solutions."
Jeremy Johnson
Senior Research Scientist, Institute for People and Technology at Georgia Institute of Technology

Let’s build the future of digital products together!

Reach out to participate in the Countly Academic Program or to ask any questions.
Contact Us

Free analytics knowledge.
Unrestricted and powerful just like your data.

What does the CAP include?
Accredited academic institutions gain access to Countly Enterprise for instructional and non-commercial research purposes and can install our platform on their servers (either on-premises or in the cloud) for an annual fee of $500.
Where can Countly Enterprise be deployed?
The CAP participant is given access to Countly Enterprise server packages. The institution is then responsible for its installation, either in a laboratory environment or in a cloud environment under their supervision.
What features are available under CAP agreements?
The CAP provides access to Countly Enterprise, which means that the CAP participant will be able to use all of our features which you can explore here. However, as the CAP license will be open source, Countly allows the participant to code and integrate their own features.
Does the CAP include dedicated support?
CAP participants are, in essense, Countly Enterprise licencees. Thus, their subscription agreements includes the assignement of dedicated support resources along with regular Enterprise terms and conditions.