Where Innovative Products Come to be Improved

Everything you ever needed to know (and more) about your product and your users, in one place. Make the data-powered decisions your growth strategies have been lacking to push your organization’s success even further.

Trusted by hundreds of privacy-conscious organizations
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More than just data insights

Product analytics make the user and performance data you collect through your digital products or services the driving force behind any strategy.

Whether you want to measure the impact of your releases, understand the level of user trust, or make your team aware of your key performance indicators, without product analytics you will easily be blinded by data. It’s time you put your data to work.

Insightful features for innovative applications

Avoiding churn

Know how users arrive, progress, and get retained by your applications, and engage with them to keep them coming back.

Cross-platform tracking

Solidify the tracking of individualized user insights across web, desktop, and mobile apps.

Product performance

Identify technical problems, service disruptions, and revenue impact with customized real-time updates for the team members that need them.

Voice of the Customer

Engage directly with users with comprehensive feedback tools and proactively understand user preferences and maintain user trust.
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Prioritize data trust

With Countly, you are the sole owner and processor of your users' data and always compliant with data privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and COPPA. Plus, you get full control of how data gets shared and accessed by anyone in your organization.
Designed to be secure →

Put your data to work with analytics tracking

Total Sessions
Purchase Amount
Non-Fatal Crashes
Monthly Active Users (MAU)
Revenue by Paying Users
Average Step Completion Time
Median Start Traces
Average Session Duration
Session Frequency
Funnel Step Conversion Rates
Revenue per Session
Median Customer Rating
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Guaranteed data empowerment

Countly is truly real-time so every data point sent from the SDK is instantly available to act upon. And, it is battle-tested in production by businesses tracking millions of customers and billions of data points in individual deployments.
Learn more about data collection →
IrisVision logo
„With Countly we've been able to better plan and execute roadmaps for the product and updates. We plan releases and updates through Countly’s detailed data, which is giving us a deeper understanding of how customers are using the product"
Adeel Bhatti
Manager, Business Operations at IrisVision

Broadest platform coverage

Countly has more than 11 SDKs for mobile, web, and desktop applications analytics.
How do our SDKs work? →


Your one-stop source of information to unlock the full potential of product analytics and Countly.

A data-world of opportunities awaits.

Let us show you how Countly turns your organization's data into unparalleled customer experiences and exceptional products.
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