Get Started With Countly

Follow these 4 steps to deploy the free Countly Lite.

Step 1

Install 🛠

  • Review installation methods to download
Step 2

Integrate 🧩

  • Select and install our open source SDKs in your application
  • Progressively integrate more SDKs as you enable more and more features in your Countly instance
Step 4

Never Stop Learning 📚

  • Always stay curious about where your data will take you next
  • Keep up with the latest analytics trends relevant to your organization
Get inspired and stay updated with articles from our Blog
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Review our documentation and guides

Got more questions?

What are the technical requirements for installation?
This will depend on the Countly version of your choice (i.e., Countly Lite, Counlty Flex or Countly Enterprise). However, in general terms, you can find the list here.
Can I simplify the implementation of new features?
We strongly suggest you use the Countly Code Generator to speed up events, sessions, and user profile generation. It provides you with automatically-generated personalized code snippets and SDK integration tutorials.