
Switch over to Countly from Matomo for powerful, privacy-conscious data insights on both product and users, both on-premise or cloud-hosted.

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Three benefits of Countly over the competitor

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Unlimited combinations for unlimited collaboration
Get all your teams all the features needed to work and experiment with data like never before and innovate together. Plus, keep everyone in the loop with customizable insights, dashboards, and reports.
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Data ownership, perfected
Make data privacy your strongest asset, regardless of your chosen deployment setup, and ensure detailed full control over customer insights with absolute customer trust and safety.
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End-to-end, extensible analytics
Dig even deeper into the customer journey without having to choose which features you can afford. Expand your understanding of your product’s performance and usage across mobile, web, and desktop environments.
Organizations that trust Countly over Matomo
BMW Company LogoDeutsche Telekom Company LogoCocaCola Company LogoAWS Company LogoRoche Company LogoVerizon Company LogoSAP Company Logo

Complete data ownership and data control

Superior flexibility with data

The multiplicity and complexity of features required for an ever-growing inflow of data points can eventually act as a limit on how much any analytics tools can do. To address this flexibility required and unlike Matomo’s API, Countly gives you both direct database access to real-time raw data and the ability to run database queries through the Countly API, letting you work with your data in ways never before possible.

The cost-efficient alternative

When building a digital product, there is no way to predict your analytics needs. Meaning that the most budget-sensitive strategy is to pay as you grow.Countly offers you unlimited usage of all our 70+ features without any extra subscription fees. While Matomo offers the possibility of purchasing individually-priced, yearly plugin packages, in Countly, you have all features included in one bill.

Seamlessly extensible

Did we mention that you get all our features at no extra cost? Funnels, advanced segmentation, push notifications, and all other marketing and analytics features that come packed with Countly are plugin features which work together seamlessly - like magic.This means that unlike with Matomo, every team member has access to all features, infinitely expanding the reach of the insights they get and the possibility for innovation.
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Migrate to Countly from Matomo?

Why put a cap on how much analysis your product analytics solution does? Countly gives you an extensible infrastructure that puts all of our tools at your disposal from day one. Plus, stay compliant with GDPR and other major privacy regulations, and get access control, all thanks to one single product.
Countly VS. MATOMO

Why is Countly the better alternative to Matomo?

Countly logoMatomo Company Logo
Countly gives you a one-for-all platform where analytics insights are shared across team boundaries
Analytics insights end up being team-specific, leaving most marketing teams unaware of relevant product and user metrics
Extensible architecture that comes at no extra cost. Push notifications, crash analytics, and over 70 other features… one toggle button away
Crucial features needed to produce analytics insights for your business need to be paid separately, forcing you to choose and pay more as you grow
Cover all your analytics needs for mobile, desktop, and web applications for a complete overview of the entire cross-device customer journey
Get only web analytics, understanding only partial customer journeys

Insight-powered product innovation is right around the corner