
Develop custom metrics by applying mathematical formulas to existing data.

Get additional insights

Develop additional metrics and see relationships between data collected by applying basic and extended formulas to your Countly data.

Save, share, and track

Save formulas that you want to check often, easily share it with select others, and quickly load saved formulas for easy tracking.

Put your metrics to use

Apply formulas to session, event, segmentation, cohorts and other data. Make the most of your analytics data with easy customizations.

Complete data adaptability

With formulas and the customizations possible, you can better visualize all the metrics you track, identify key relationships between them, and apply them to get figures and trends that tell you even more about your application.

Easily save and execute formulas so each team can track the metric relationships that matter to them. Get complete ownership of your data and further its insights.

Answer the questions that matter

What is the number of in-app purchases made by users from a selected region in their first month of using the application?
What is the percentage of purchases that are returned/refunded within one week of purchase?
What is the average session count for users in their first week of install/sign-up?
What is the average number of in-app purchases made by a specific demographic group in the last year?

Enrich your product analytics by combining Formulas with…


To build upon your data using specific customizations

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To study habits and trends for specific groups and see which groups contribute the most activity and revenue.

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Resources related to the Formulas feature

Formulas User Guide


Cohorts User Guide

Events User Guide

Explore more features

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