
Track how users are using your app or website.

Discover popular app features

Track views, see where users spend their time on your app, and learn which features they like best for better roadmap planning.

Identify favorite pages

Track page views and see where your website visitors are spending their time to improve user journey and boost engagement.

Build better user journeys and experiences

Enhance user experiences and journeys by tracking where users are spending their time and whatā€™s working and not working for them.

Measure every click

The Views for mobile apps and Page Views for websites feature allows you to better understand how your users are interacting with your app or website, where theyā€™re spending their time, and where theyā€™re bouncing.

Using this data, you can easily update content, call-to-action buttons, design, and more to improve engagement with your app or website and give your users a memorable customer experience.

Resources related to the Views (or Page Views) feature

Views / Page Views User Guide

Heatmaps User Guide

Explore more features

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